Companies today are making double the amount of profit than they did a decade back and it’s no wonder how. The process that helps them in producing almost double the amount of good and products thereby cranking up the overall productivity of that organisation is none other than Video Analytics.
Before we start, let’s take a gist of what Video Analytics actually is.
What is Video Analytics?
Video Analytics is a mechanism that processes a digital video signal with the help of a unique algorithm to carry out a security related function.
A number of companies, especially those in manufacturing, are taking a step ahead in the automation process. At times the process is completed with the help of cyber physical systems or CPS while other times the usage of Internet of things (IOT) comes into action.
In addition to the facility provided above, the other technology that has come into action is what Metaorigin is providing you with. Video Analytics to drive your business forward. Industry 4.0 is the most contemporary form of the industrial revolution, the usage of AI technologies in the current industry is referred to as industry 4.0.
So many of you must be wondering the need for industry 4.0, aren’t you? The fundamental idea behind the need for industry 4.0 is to create a social network where machines are capable of communicating and interacting with each other which is referred to as Internet of things and with human beings which is referred to as Interaction with people. Both IoT and IoP when amalgamated together aims to provide a better experience and functioning of the manufacturing atmosphere.
IoT is how machines are capable of communicating with each other while IoP is how machines interact with you, human beings.
Now that there is a cut-throat competition in the market, the need to carry out the processes more efficiently and quickly has become a priority in order to be successful. Time and resources have now become the top priority for the majority of the manufacturers to make them unique evidently in the eyes of the customers. Adding on to the above mentioned things, the constant desire to make the output outstanding is very high with every passing day.
Now you must be wondering why are we telling about all this and where exactly does video Analytics fit right in? The answer was lying in the paragraphs written above. Video Analytics is nothing but an AI supported process which assists in supervising the manufacturing process even when it is used from a remote location.
It helps supervisors and manufacturers in identifying the outliers in the final outputs and deviate the processes in order to make a proper execution. It helps the manufacturers in identifying any mishap that has happened in the process and make necessary changes, if required.
If you did not understand the above mentioned statements, do not worry, we’ve got you covered. Now for instance, there’s a person named Celia who has been assigned with the task of properly overlooking the process of assembly line for a heavy-machine manufacturing facility. Celia executes the above mentioned task by moving about in the facility, around the corner right where the numerous parts of the final product are combined together. She spends her entire day keenly observing the process in search for some outliers, if there are any which are followed by suggestions on how to eradicate it or rectify it.
Now imagine a machine doing it for you. A tool like Metaorigin’s which is an Artificial Intelligence supported Video Analytics software when comes into action, it makes the task quicker, execution more smooth. How does it become more smooth? When you decide to take our assistance, Celia can sit comfortably at her home and supervise the entire process without going through the torture of standing, which eventually leads to tiring the body as well as mind, and hampering the overall output.
How do we do it?
We have tried to reach to the zenith of what one ever can to make the process simpler for our users and that’s what sets us apart from our competitors. Our tool is fed with all the possible information about what the process is, how should it be executed and how the final output of the entire process must be (that’s right where machine learning comes into action). Now when Ms. Celia is not present at the facility, the machine keeps its eyes and ears working throughout being capable of pointing out the outliers in the output and informs Ms. Celia over her preferred mode of communication (WhatsApp, SMS) about the deviations and she in turn, without making her presence in the facility can direct other members to take care of any mishap that has happened. Sounds quite easy and hassle-free, doesn’t it?
Apart from the numerous advantages that Metaorigin’s Video Analytics tool holds over several other tools in the market is that it is customisable. Meaning, you can simply teach the software about whatever your desired results are, what it needs to do to get the results, when it should function. It is as easy as it sounds.
The tool does not just help in identifying the difference between the desired output and the final output but it also helps in running through the process to find where it goes wrong. So Ms. Celia now holds the liberty to pursue her travelling hobby, clicking pictures on her way through the trips without any possible fear of the process going wrong.
And now we are pretty sure that you already know why video Analytics software is also referred to as the drivers of the industry 4.0. It is more than evident that softwares like Metaorigin’s VA are helping the manufacturing industry become better with every ticking of the clock needle, reducing and eventually eradicating errors and even identifying the steps in which error occurred. The whole step provides the users with much better experience and understanding of the entire process while enjoying wherever you want to be. That’s why we go by the line of
Making dreams come true.
By Akshay Tyagi
Companies often neglect to have written standards and policies around their cybersecurity. Why? Because dozens of them are usually needed, covering everything from equipment management to backup procedures, admin credentialing, remote work policies, and so much more. But it’s well worth the effort.
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